Mexican Birding

Mexican Birding was born with the idea of improving the way of traveling through western Mexico, focused on ecotourism, developing tours that bring together the three sectors of sustainability.

*Economic *Environmental* Social*

Our Team

Antonio Robles


Quick Guide to the Birds Of San Blas

Nayarit, México

This Quick Guide contains photographs of 150 species of birds, aiming to represent the most popular and common to San Blas, including 28 species Endemic to Mexico.

Author: Jose Antonio Robles

editor: Mexican Birding & Riviera Nayarit

Year: 2019 - Pages: 2 - format: Paper

field guide Common Birds of the Marismas Biosphere Reserve

Nayarit, México

This Guide contains photographs of 164 species of birds that are relatively common in the reserve. It is focused to be a help tool for students, professionals, decision makers, interested parties, bird watchers and others interested in bird diversity and the conservation of the area.

Authors: José Antonio Robles-Martínez, Jesús Alberto Loc-Barragán, Jonathan Vargas-Vega, David Molina

Editor: Fieldguides.Fieldmuseum.Org

Year: 2017 - Pages: 15 - format: PDF